How long do you think this lockdown will take?
Hamis Ahmad Apr 17, 09:24 PM

How long do you think this lockdown will take? 0

i'm just wondering because the numbers are increasing everyday, gaskiya abin se dai Addu'a


Mr. Aulaz Apr 17, 09:28 PM
Left to me, idan ana so ayi containing virus din. Dole ayi atleast 3months lock down, I mean total lockdown ko hutu kada a bada. Amma indai a haka za a cigaba like here in kaduna ana bata 2 days break. Kamar abun is not effective gaskiya
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Anonymous #1 Apr 18, 12:06 AM

exactly and i think this virus will continue to spread despite the lock down because people are not practicing social distancing but its actually Good, its time Nigerians get dealt with
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Anonymous #1 May 1, 06:01 AM

i mean the virus should deal with them, dama cuta is the way of life of many Nigerians, yanzu ga real cutar ta zo. A country that's filled with corruption and dishonesty everywhere deserves this pandemic. perhaps it can make a change.
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