Singles let's gather here😭😂
Ameeerah21 Dec 11, 02:44 PM

Singles let's gather here😭😂 0

Shin kuma iri nace ko ko😂.Nidai baba na yace nazo nayi aure na girma na gudo gd na dawo gdn kakanni na ynxu kuma kaka na ya fara man waazi kodai hade baki su kayi ni maryama🤧😂.Nace masu ban girma ba shekara 20 ba wasa bace ko🌚.


Anonymous #1 Feb 8, 11:09 PM
Abdulwaliyyu Feb 8, 11:11 PM

ok cus I saw the name so I was kind of curious sha
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Anonymous #1 Feb 9, 06:59 AM

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Abdulwaliyyu Feb 9, 07:41 AM

reply 1
Abdulwaliyyu Feb 9, 11:16 PM

you know what
reply 0

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