Hamis Ahmad posts

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    Title: How long do you think this lockdown will take?
    Content: i'm just wondering because the numbers are increasing everyday, gaskiya abin se dai Addu'a
    Category: General Apr 17, 09:24 PM
    Title: Should i do it? she's tempting me
    Content: I have a christian class mate that shows interest in me for the past 7 month. she looks good and has a sexy body. we became normal friends until one day we talked about sex on chat and she said she wants do it and with me. i was surprised, she even sent me her nudes i masturbated that night and kept on thinking about her and sex always, if we meet in school she would be giving me hints and we touch each other. i just don't know what to do and i feel like i can't hold it wallahi if i'm with her har erection ina samu. should i do it please maybe Allah would forgive me later if i do tawbah? how bad is it to do Zina? because naji ance Allah yana yafe every sin banda shirk. i feel like i can't control the feeling anymore its affecting my studies please tell me your opinions thank you.
    Category: Advice Aug 8, 12:32 AM