Zuwaira Yusuf posts

Posts History

    Title: I am Looking for training on how to buy goods from abroad
    Content: Slm House please does anyone here knows someone that does training on how to buy goods from abroad? please let me know if you do by commenting😊
    Category: General Dec 27, 07:00 AM
    Title: How I wish women will learn to keep KISHI aside and embrace LOVE n PEACE
    Content: How I wish women will learn to keep kishi aside and embrace Love and peace. Pure Love n peaceful marriage is d must beautiful thing in marriage. Learn how to communicate, tolerate n over look some of ur sister's n husband's fault. The husband should try to show harness in everything he does. May Allah fill our hrts with Love n Peace❤❤
    Category: Marriage Dec 16, 11:53 AM
    Title: Be doing HIV test early before due date
    Content: please, guys, take note and do HIV and any other tests early before the due date of marriage cuz someone just tested positive for Aids on her wedding day when the results were opened and she is nowhere to be seen right now. this is so sad because everything else was done for the wedding and all the preparations were set as well. the groom is broken right now and refuses to talk to anyone💔
    Category: Advice Dec 11, 09:56 AM