Fatima posts

Posts History

    Title: How do i introduce him to my family (for Marriage)?
    Content: Please how will someone introduce her boyfriend to her family, how will she start, telling them she loves him
    Category: Marriage Jun 16, 06:45 PM
    Title: Should a 17yr girl old marry a 23yr old who is ready?
    Content: Can't a 17 year old girl get married to someone who is 23, who is ready to take care of her and carry all the responsibility
    Category: Marriage Jun 15, 08:26 AM
    Title: what's the ideal age for marriage?
    Content: Can a girl of 18 get married to a person of 22, but what is the specific age of marriage
    Category: Marriage May 29, 03:19 PM
    Content: Can both the male and female who are teenagers get married though they will be guided by there relatives, or so. Though they are both in love with each other, but to some point they might be thinking if they tell there parents they won't agree to there suggestions. What can they do to get married
    Category: Relationship Feb 13, 09:04 PM
    Title: Marrying at young age or marrying at a teenage age
    Content: If teenagers are in love, Is its allowed to marry at d age of teens like both d male and female are teenagers are they allowed, to avoid all such of things, even though d guy don't have d money but his father can take care of them
    Category: Relationship Feb 12, 03:36 PM