Meemialiyu posts

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    Title: Advice for matan aure
    Content: matan aure respect urself fr ones n stop ranting nonsense simply becos ur husband is cheating on u ,them u attack ur husband side chick,honestly speaking it doesn't mek sense @ all.wat is d meaning of DAT? Wul dat stop him from cheating? Can u stop their relationship? Can u stop him from getting married? Hv it at d back of ur mind once u step down to d level of insulting ur side chick,woman u hv given her d morah to stick to ur husband. Pls if u r d type dat cannot control ur anger den attack ur husband. He's d one to b blame if he doesn't show interest no way she wul start loving him .I hope we all understand. IG handle @meemialiyu.
    Category: Advice Dec 6, 03:02 PM
    Title: Mata murage buri da karya.
    Content: Malam my own matter na Anko.wai Dan karya da son birgewa zakiyi aure sai kije ki cire Anko 21k saikace yar minister, not thinking of ur few frnx hu can't afford it(d lowkey background) abun bakin ciki mutum yasaya Anko yabiya kudin dinki,kudin Mekup,last last tana aure ta mance daku.gaskiya murage buri da karya, do wat everyone can afford Ba ban banci .tnc
    Category: General Dec 6, 02:51 PM