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    Title: Dear Brothers in this forum
    Content: Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullah. I wish you all the very best in your life my fellow Muslim Brothers. There is something I observed since I joined match making plat form and it's something that really happens now in the society. I know everyone has its taste but this issue is something that you have to consider. The prophet (SAW) said when choosing spouse you can go for background, beauty, wealth, but the best one is to go for someone that is religious. But I noticed that most I did not say all but 85% of the brothers are looking for a girl that is slim and fair. Am writing on behalf of all dark and chubby ladies out there who are looking for a good spouse. Then what will happen to us we that we are not fair and we are not talk. This is the reason why many of the sisters nowadays used to bleach there skin so the will find spouse or attract our brothers. And that is a reason some of our sister that are fair and slim will say that the will not marry someone who is poor because the see that most men are looking for fair and slim. Please we have to be guided there are so many dark and short sisters that are pretty and have moral background that you will make a perfect home together out there. I hope I did not torment anyone with my words and I hope there will be a certain change. Remember beauty lies in the heart of beholder and remember beauty used to fade with time. And marriage is not something that will finish easily, it's a long life matter. Thank you for your time.
    Category: Advice Aug 1, 10:42 AM