Usman s yakub posts

Posts History

    Title: i have a question, Where are the mathematicians?
    Content: A Professor at a Nigerian University sent his phone number in a disorderly manner to his students. The disordered phone number was 64001128454. To know his real phone number, he gave the student the following conditions: 1. Eight (8) must come between two zeros (0's). 2.The first number after the first condition is met must not be an odd number and it must be greater than 5. 3. The seventh number must be 1. 4. The fifth and sixth numbers must be two numbers whose difference is 1 and the bigger number must come first. 5. The fifth and sixth numbers are greater than 2. 6. The ninth and tenth numbers are the same. 7. The eighth number is greater than the last number. 8. The phone number must be 11 digits. What was the Professor's real phone number?
    Category: Entertainment Jan 14, 04:25 PM
    Title: S/he who answer it correctly will be rewarded
    Content: Fill in the blank. Nusaiba is the daughter of faisal. So Faisal is the _________ of Nusaiba's father. Only a genius can answer & reply. Please answer correctly, I'm tired of laughing from the answers I first got when I heard this riddle...
    Category: Entertainment Dec 8, 10:26 PM
    Title: Pls help me with answers about this
    Content: At my age i still don't know if sugarcane is a fruit ,vegetables ,grass, stick or soft drink Pls help me
    Category: General Dec 1, 02:06 PM