Halpolite posts

Posts History

    Title: Why aren't you on the matchmaking section???
    Content: A while ago I made a post on this forum asking members if they are ready to get married. Interestingly alot of people proclaimed that they are ready, especially the ladies. Many of these ladies said they are waiting for their "Mr right", but then most of them are not on the matchmaking section. Well, I have some news for you, there a lot of "Mr right" on the app just like myself. So please join we are tired of waiting too.
    Category: General Jan 31, 05:15 PM
    Title: Pending requests
    Content: I'll would like to ask some of you guys that would refuse to respond to request for weeks! Do you feel so special because someone expresses their interest in you, so you treat them with such disdain. A lot of people here are dead serious about finding a spouse. You don't owe anyone any explanation weather you choose to decline or accept a request, but you sure owe the person that has shown interest in you the decency of response.
    Category: General Oct 31, 06:51 PM